Why I Wrote This Book

Why am I writing this book?

Every day, I get a ton of questions regarding nutrition and extreme diets. There was a time when I followed these extreme diets as well. I have followed a Ketogenic diet, a carb cycling diet, a Paleolithic diet, extremely low carbs, extremely high carbs, extremely low calories and even an extremely high calorie diet. Basically, I have tried everything I found out there that I felt could help me achieve a better physique.

Have you been a victim of this as well? Have you restricted yourself for several months? Restricted carb intake? No cookies, no cake, no rice, no carbs? Have you felt miserable in this process and still ended up feeling like you have not achieved the body that you desired? Have you gotten confused regarding what to do? How to make changes to your diet? What diet protocol to follow? Have you pushed yourself to extreme situations to achieve that shredded Greek God physique and still not got there?

Well then, this book is for you!

What if I told you that there was an easier way to do all of this? That there was a way where you could very easily fit in a burger or fries into your diet, or make your food extremely tasty and still get their desired results? What If I told you that I eat ice cream post workout every single day and still maintain a 6 pack year round? Would you want to know the secret to that? Would you want to know how I have made dieting extremely efficient and fun? How I remain completely sane and do not need to obsess over a slice of bread that most people do not eat due to restrictive diets to achieve that body?

Well, then you are at the right place because this book explains exactly that and much more!

My aim with this book is to educate people about an extremely efficient way of eating so as to live their life to the fullest. Some would call this technique- macro tracking and calorie counting, some would call it flexible dieting. I call it being accurate consistently. To be honest knowing what this technique is called or googling it is not what will help, it is about how to make it work for you.

Why Are You Reading This Book?

The reason why you are here, reading this book, is because you want to transform your body. Transformation can come in many different forms. It can either mean that you want to lose weight, or you want to gain some lean dense muscle tissue or you want to get ultra-jacked.

Let me make a few things extremely clear first. Changing your training does not play a key role in bulking or cutting. What I mean to say is that do not try to change your training program drastically while cutting or bulking. I have come across too many people in too many gyms who are trying to do reps after reps thinking that it will help them getting more “cut”. This approach is false.

Now that you know what not to do when you bulk or cut, you would ask what to do during a bulk or a cut. Nutrition during bulking and cutting are key and this is the topic that this book addresses.

Since this book is primarily focusing on nutrition, I wish to get a few things about training out of the way first. At the end of the day, the correct training split and along with the correct nutrition and supplementation is the holy triad of bodybuilding. Since this book is primarily focusing on nutrition, I wish to talk about training in the beginning so as to get it out of the way. I will write more in depth on training as well and that book will come out in the future.

Key Points about Training

The key points about my views on training for packing on lean muscle mass and initiating fat loss is as follows:

  • As a coach, I want you to preserve as much muscle tissue as possible (size) even while cutting. This means that if you follow my training program, I will make sure you push some badass weight even when you cut because the aim is always to get stronger. But for some reason if you suddenly stop pushing the weight you were during a bulk and drop the weight to half and start doing a zillion reps, you would basically just be doing cardio.
  • Now instead of performing needlessly high rep ranges, I suggest that you guys follow a progressive overload based training plan. The key idea behind “Progressive Overload” is that over the course of time that you hit the gym, you are trying to make efficient progress. To read/know about progressive overload and what I mean by that, I would suggest for you to go here (link to progressive overload). Once you buy the program, I would suggest that you pay attention to every detail. If this is the first time you guys are following such a split. Get ready to make some serious gains. I have made the split according to what I feel is the best and most effective way to go about training while ensuring that your training never gets stagnant. I have also attached an intermediate workout/ training program for those of you who want to follow a bro split (chest/ back/ arms kind of workout).
  • I would however suggest a push, pull, legs (PPL) or a upper/lower (U/L) split. The plan attached is my favorite and is the one that I have progressed on the most. It is also the split that my team at Brown Boy Aesthetics and I (along with a lot of my clients) are following.
  • Lastly, if you guys have a different workout split or plan that you want to follow. Feel free to do so. It will not be optimal but it is your choice.

Now that we have the training bit out the way. We can proceed with the most important aspect of bodybuilding - Nutrition. While training is highly important, what makes or breaks your physique is nutrition. So when someone tells me that they train extremely hard and do not make the kind of progress that they are expecting - 99.99 percent times the answer lies in the gaps in this person’s nutrition protocol.

This book is meant to educate you and to take you step by step through understanding how to create a nutrition protocol suited to your needs but before we go further on this journey, I have a condition. The first thing I would like to tell you guys before starting this book is that-


You need to be consistent with your training. You need your NUTRITION TO BE SPOT ON. If you are truly dedicated and consistent with the plan laid out in this book, there is no way that you won’t make progress. I want you guys to make sure you take, chew, digest and absorb this thought first, and once you have, we can progress towards the more exciting stuff.

Who is this book for: Competitor v/s Fitness Enthusiast?

Who do these protocols apply to how to differentiate b/w a competitor. Model dieting for a show vs a guy who is getting into other stuff

When it comes to nutrition and training, everyone is different and each person is unique. The same nutrition and training protocol can never be optimal for two different individuals. So to answer the question – “Who is this book for?” This book is for any and everyone who is willing to learn the fundamental principals when it comes to nutrition as a whole. After reading this book, you will have the knowledge and power to incorporate the perfect nutrition strategy for yourself.

Once you understand the concept behind nutrition and how it works, all you have to do is incorporate it into your lifestyle such that it is highly sustainable and efficient to follow on a daily. If you happen to work a “9 to 5”, if your work involves a lot of travel or if you are a professional competitor prepping for a show, these fundamental principals still apply to each one of you. Of course a competitive athlete will need to be more accurate and rigid in his approach nearing his show but here we are looking at the bigger picture and taking the long-term goal of the individual into account.

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