Why I Hate The Word "Diet"

I am against using the word diet as it strikes the wrong chord in the mind of most people who hear the word “diet”. When people say or hear the word “diet” they usually mean following a strict protocol that is laid out for them that they don’t really want to follow. To the contrary, nutrition has to be something that can be easily adapted into your life. It is a way to fuel your being rather than a means to restrict your life.

Do not get me wrong, being consistent with nutrition is key when you want to do anything related to bodybuilding or fitness; however, I believe that there is no point restricting yourself and following a protocol that you hate. It is obviously a completely different scenario if you are a competitive bodybuilder a few weeks out from a show but, from a lifestyle perspective this needs to be something you are doing long term and hence needs to be something sustainable.

I am totally pro making a body that looks great naked, but at what cost? More than that, why put yourself through extreme measures when there is a simple, saner and smarter way to achieve your goals.

Hence, every time I use the word diet through the course of this book, I basically want you to think of a protocol that you find extremely easy to adhere to do. This could be a ketogenic diet, a carb cycling one, paleo, or flexible dieting. Any diet works as long as you can stick to it and make it a part of your daily routine provided your life is not being disrupted by this dietary choice.

I believe that the only way that you can get results is when you are consistent with what you do. The only way you will be consistent with something is when you can easily incorporate this something into your life.

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